Old magazine covers

Bjorn and the Lost Pocket Knife


One day, Bjorn was out about the crooked pine in front of his house. He was looking for his lost pocket knife. He was having trouble finding it as twilight began. Lucky for him, there was a break in the cloud, and the tree stood by itself. Soon Karl came up and asked what he was looking for. "My knife," Bjorn said, still looking at the ground and turning over pine needles.

"Well, I'll help you," said Karl, and the two began looking.

Hulton walking to Bjorn's cottage

Soon his daughter Angrboða was walking past on her way home and asked, "What are you two fools looking for now?"

Bjorn said, "My apple pocket knife—you know the one—the one I slice apples with."

"Yup, the one grandma gave you; I'll help," said his daughter.

Hulton walking into cottage to meet Bjorn with tea ready in front of fireplace sitting in a chair cut out of a high stump.

Then his father was walking home from Gast's house after scaring another Piney. "Can I help?" he said, a little tipsy.

"Yes, we are looking for the knife Mom got me," answered Bjorn. Gramps just began searching as the moon was full and the clouds all rolled by.


Bjorn and Hulton chatting with some tea.

After some time, his wife noticed everyone was late for dinner and went looking for Bjorn. "What are you doing?"

"I'm looking for my knife; you know, the one Mom got me," Bjorn yelled back.

"Then, what are you doing over here?" asked his wife, Helgi.

"The light is better!" answered Bjorn back.

"Yes, but I saw you drop it by the house," Helgi exclaimed, confused. Now everyone stopped looking and looked up at Bjorn, aghast.

Karl getting gold out of Bjorn.

"I know, but it was too dark over there to find it," said Bjorn.

Hulton looking confused and put out.