Yes Santa by Gerald Dowgin
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Yes Santa !

by Gerald Dowgin

Fiction/ Children's Lit

Paperback: $14.99

eBook: Download a copy onto your device today! Only $5.

Did you ever imagine that the Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, and Santa Claus could be cornerstones to civilization. If a child can not believe in them when they are younger, how are they to believe in other larger intangible concepts as judgement, mercy, faith, and love? Follow this tale as Rudolph travels to a little girl's window to help keep her faith in Santa Claus.

Book Trailer: Watch Rudolph work his magic!

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Animation from Mr Pelinger's House


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Fiction/ Children's Lit

Paperback: $14.99

eBook: Download a copy onto your device today! Only $5.


Elephant clip art

By Christopher Jon Luke Dowgin

Chris Dowgin profile on brick wall

Gerald Dowgin

Gerald Dowgin spent over 30 years drafting bills for the State of NJ. His grandfather, Edward Hulton of Hulton & Co. Newspapers in Manchester England, would tour the neighborhood delivering gifts for the children in the town. His mother was 18 till she found out that her father was the neighborhood Santa working for the head Honcho on the North Pole.


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